Our Mission

To encourage and grow enduring gifts that enable Trinity Episcopal Church of Fort Worth
to do great works for our church and in our community.

How Can I make a gift…


Helping you increase your impact today…and tomorrow

Help Trinity Episcopal Church continue to spread God’s love in areas that need it most. With thoughtful planning, you can choose which ways to support work best for you and your loved ones.

When you have decided that supporting Trinity Foundation is an excellent way to participate in the activity of the Church, you’ll want to make sure your gifts are made in a way that will maximize their total value while minimizing their after

Explore your many planned giving options, including some you may not have considered before. Planned gifts provide a major impact in our community, and we offer the following suggestions to aid selection of the best giving option for your stage of life.

making a gift to god.

Perhaps most important is to imagine giving as a kind of reciprocity with God, making a gift to our creator who has made so many blessings possible in our lives.